Arañas de Marte's Archive
En el programa de hoy nos hemos zambullido en varias de nuestras ya míticas secciones, como rock prog que sí, mételes caña. canciones con coda, sin voz, solos de una nota, noticias y peticiones. Pero además os presentamos una sección nueva que hemos dado en llamar “el del medio de los Chichos”, para hablar de…
En el programa de hoy hemos decidido prescindir de guión y de secciones para meternos en unas reflexiones sobre el mundo de la música: la experiencia objetiva y subjetiva de la misma, el poder del mainstream, la cultura musical, las filias y fobias, las adhesiones inquebrantables a estilos o grupos, etc. Todo ello aderezado con…
En el programa de esta semana nos hemos metido en un hilando fino bastante loco que nos ha llevado desde el Calypso de Lord Invader en los año 50 del siglo pasado hasta el último disco de New Order de este año pasado. Una cosa muy loca. Hemos metido también nuestra sección de canciones…
Volvemos a Bowie y su disco de despedida, Blackstar. Y para celebrar nuestro programa 50 (en realidad el 51, porque empezamos en el 0) nos montamos una de despedidas, de últimos discos y canciones de grandes artistas antes de pasar a los otros mundos. Empezamos por Bowie pero continuamos con Jacques Brel, Mikel Laboa, Billie…
Kantuz triple cd (and book) pays homage to the Basque Book and Record Fair that blesses Durango every first week of December since 1965. That is, last December’s was the 50th anniversary and Gerediaga association, the one who organizes the market since the beginning decided to put together in three cd’s 50 years of music in…
Astelehen honetako irratsaioan Quaoar rock bilbotar banda pasatu da estudiotik. Josu eta Hugo gitarjoleekin beraien “Dreamers. Dream” azken diskari buruz hitz egin digute, nola grabatu zuten beraien konfiaztzazko taldearekin, nola eta non egin zuten “Tough guy” lehenengo singlearen bideo post-apokaliptikoa, eta abar. Quaoar mutilei esan agur eta gero, gure atal klasiko batzuetara itzuli gara: eskaerak…
2015 urtean pasatu zuenari eskeinitako hirugarren, eta azkena, irratsaioa. Joan Miquel Oliver, Vintage Trouble, La Bien Querida, Beetween the buried and me, Anari, Shemekia Copeland, Leon Bridges, Phillip Jeck, Courtney Bartlett, Jamie X eta Deafheaven-en kantak entzun ditugu. Hurrengo astean hasiko gara 2016 urtea…
Aste honetako irratsaioan… 2015ean agertutako kanta batzuk gehiago. Kendrick Lamar, Julia Holter, Kamasi Washington, Anestesia, Dungen, Songhoy Blues, El Niño de Elche, Natalie Prass, D’Angelo eta, berriro, David Bowie, eta bere Blackstar kanta izugarria, entzun ditugu. Eta hurrengo astean, pasa den urtean plazaratutako kanta gehiago jarriko ditugu.
2015eko musikaren munduak oso kanta interesgarriak utzi digu eta horietako batzuk entzun ditugu aste honetako irratsaioan: Joseba Ponceren JP Lohian & Klonen Klana, Sleater-Kinney, Song Ho, Dominique A, Benjamin Clementine, Za!, Steven Wilson, Toundra, Makaya Maccraven, Tote King, Public Service Broadcasting, Chance The Rapper edo David Bowie handiaren kantak entzun ditugu. Hurrengo astean, pasa den…
David Bowie kantari britaniarra hil da. Armiarmok gaurko saioa eskeintzen diogu, hitz gabe, zeren mutu utzi gaitu gure irratsaioaren izena eman zigunaren heriotzak. Ziggy-ren aroko abestietatik bere azken diskaren abestietaraino bidaiatzen gara gaur, irratiaren bidez gure bidaia musikala inspiratu eta gidatu duenaren omenez. Ondo joan.
Christmas songs not always are boring chants about babies and fishes in the water. Actually, they used to be songs about dancing and celebrating the beginning of the new year, winter solstice. In fact, there are many songs about Christmas which preserve this celebratory spirit and invite to dance and have fun, and sometimes to think…
David Rengel tries to explain us what is a field recording, if it is music or not or why is it now more interesting to try to catch the sounds of nature (or made by humans) with a microphone than to play a guitar or a trumpet. Not that simple. Quite interesting. We have listen…
Blas Fernández is one of the best jazz drummers in the Basque Country. Is very easy to find him playing with great organist Mauri Sanchís or pianist José Luis Canal, among others, and he has recorded with the likes of Bill Evans or Dean Brown, too. But not only that. His drumming has acompanied several…
Arañas de Marte means Spiders from Mars. Spiders from Mars means David Bowie’s beginning of the 70s accompanying band. Bowie has published a new song last week, called Blackstar (a long one, for the matter). Blackstar will be the title for his 25th record, to appear next January 8. January 8 is David Bowie’s birthday….
Last week Allen Toussaint came to Bilbao, played, and then died the next day, in Madrid. We want to pay a little homage to this outstanding musician, born in New Orleans, in which town he lived the changes in black music of the last 70 years. We have listened to some of the collaborations he took part…
We have follow the thread from 1969’s King Crimson to 2007’s Porcupine tree. In between we have listened to Peter Gabriel’s first record or Talking Head’s Remain in light. All of them songs in which making Robert Fripp took part. We have followed with a petition: Mercury, the winged messengers from Gustave Holst’s suit The planets. And…