La Vuelta Anglofona en 80 Días: Jamaica, Bands Beginning with ‘K’ y Liverpool


Pongo los tres últimos capitulos de La Vuelta al Mundo de la Música Anglofona en 80 días…. Más o Menos.


  1. Ine Kamoze, Here Comes The Hotstepper
  2. Harry J All Stars, The Liquidator
  3. Toots and the Mayals, 54-46 Was My Number
  4. Althea and Donna, Uptown Top Ranking
  5. The Pioneers, Let Yeah Be Yeah
  6. The Ethiopians, Train to Skaville
  7. The Equals, Baby Come Back

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Bands Beginning With ‘K’

  1. Kasabian, Empire
  2. KC and the Sunshine Band, Give It Up
  3. Kool and the Gang, Get Down On It
  4. Kurt Vile, Smoke Ring for My Halo
  5. Kula Shaker, Hush
  6. Kings of Leon, Youth and Young Manhood

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  1. The Farm, All Together Now
  2. Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Relax
  3. The Coral, Connector
  4. The Dead 60s, Riot Radio
  5. Miles Kane, Rearrange
  6. The La’s, There She Goes
  7. Lightning Seeds, Pure

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